Game idea #2

I've had another game idea!

It's called Ignis Solus. It's about these 3 flames where you play as sol. I haven't fully worked out the story but your either gona be the last 3 flames that are granted to dragons upon becoming adults. Along the way the other flames leave you for their dragons.

A few thousand years would pass before you find your dragon has been kept in his egg by some sorcerer or something. Than you have to find the egg and rescue it. When you finally save the egg you realize that it was too late and the dragon inside has died which brings to a close the age of dragons and begins the age of man. But you'll be almost dead due to the fight and die knowing you saved the egg and it will be all sad and stuff.

Or they are going to represent 3 children in comas and when the flames goes out the child passes away. They would all be in a shared dream like world and sol would be the only one that feels somethings not right.

Other than this I have some rough game play elements such as being able to burn wood and being able to climb walls that are not made of pure stone but that's as far as it goes now.

Pictures are of the title and the main characters that I drew whilst bored. All done by me in MS paint.

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