
Just finished this book and wow it's long. I know it's a collection of short stories but took me nearly 4 months to read!

He says things can't be described too much "The horror could not be described", "So terrible that mortal words cannot describe", "So horrifying that he couldn't begin to describe" and than he goes on to describe every detail of the floor their standing on!

But ya good good, bit heavy though, literally.

Recent game collecting #1

Few new games to add to my collection. Boxes, boxes everywhere I say!

My work

This is where I work, right there up at the top. It's awesome, free scones all over the place!

I also get a cool ID badge and have to fob through doors, I don't even know what that means!

There's also a free gym in the basement, I like to go down there and make fun of the fatties.