
What is Brick-Life I hear the young people asking?

Well it's a modification for the source engine that a friend and I tried to make when we were 16. The original idea was from some guy in Belfast or somewhere. There were loads of people on the team but I don't think that more then two of us did any work.

So many textures and maps wasted and then lost because hard drives suck
. Maybe if we weren't 16 and actually had some kind of work ethic then we might have made our Christmas 2009 release date.

But it wasn't all a waste it got into the shiny pages of PC GAMER UK.
Of course they never contacted us so they didn't include our names so bragging had to be kept to a minimum.

And then my hard drive died and I lost everything. Stupid hard drives, they ruined computers! I would start it up again but the textures were a bitch to make and I've lost almost all knowledge of how to create textures in Photoshop.

And I'm pretty sure that these are the only 2 images left of anything I did. All textures and level design done by me. (patent pending)

Dandelion man!

Little bit of concept art for a friends game. Obviously never going to be implemented but just look at it.

Why aren't there more games based around flowers?

Also because I'll forget the black limbs are meant to be made of wire. What other way could it have limbs since I'm fairly sure that dandelions don't have leaves.

Personal website

Website design I made, took around and about 30 minutes.

Like the simplistic look, might be a bit too simplistic as it's easy to miss the website entirely. It's also so minimalist that it's almost like there is no website.

Might make people grumpy.

Programming joke #1

Knock knock?
Who's there?
Recursive function

Knock knock?
Who's there?
Recursive function

Knock knock?
Who's there?
Segmentation fault